Women Deliver 2019 Conference


Women Deliver


Branding, Experiential Design, Social Media, Animation, Campaign Art Direction, & Design


Outside the Conference Center:
Street banners and airport signage

Inside the Conference Center:
Physical signage - Standing directional signage, pillar wraps, hanging banners, privacy walls, escalator and staircase wraps, exhibition hall

Digital signage - Screens in the lobbies, entrance LED screens, main stage digital program (4 days of custom motion graphic animations)

4 Different stage designs - Stage and backdrop layout, branding and projector screen placements, furniture type and placements, podium design

‍Exhibition Hall - Overall look and feel, Women Deliver designated booth spaces including the welcome area, digital poster sessions, VR space and lounge areas

Conference website and on-site mobile app

Social media

Flyers, brochures, reports, and merchandise

WD2019 Conference highlight video
Conference center floor map

Click image to zoom in

I conceptualized, produced, and executed all print, digital, and experiential signage for the Women Deliver 2019 Conference over the span of 3 months.

With only a $100,000 budget for both print and digital materials - and a tight deadline - the on-site vendors, Women Deliver’s Conference Logistics Manager, Women Deliver’s Senior Communications Manager, and I had to come up with cost-effective solutions.

We used standard shell schemes with printed stretched fabric to achieve seamless graphics, some over 200ft wide. Instead of using hanging banners for all directionals, we chose to use gatorboards and placed banners in only high trafficked areas where visibility would be an issue.

Concurrent and side events

For meetings rooms - used by partners for concurrent sessions and or side events - instead of using standard projector screens  with the black curtains and retractable banners to add branding, we created a custom projector backdrop using shell schemes. This way not only did it brighten up the grey rooms, it gave our branding major spotlight on social media outside of Women Deliver hosted events.

fueling station

The exhibition hall which we called the Fueling Station was the central hub for all things networking. The space was filled with various stages, held film screenings, pitch competitions, had a live broadcasting studio, multiple lounges and more than 300 booths.

In the exhibition hall, we used the carpets and halos to color code and separate each area from one another, which tied together with the exhibition hall map. Each area had its own look and feel extending from the Women Deliver’s arrow mark. I designed each of the Women Deliver owned spaces - from the graphics on the shell scheme walls, to what furniture were rented and how they were arranged.

Website and Mobile app

For the website and app, I worked with the developers to come up with the visuals and how the user would navigate each platform.

Social media graphics

For social, I worked with our digital associate to strategize visuals and messaging for specific moments around the conference, such as when registration opened, one year out and the 100 day countdown to the conference. From time to time, I also came up with one off social posts to keep the conference momentum going.
